Looking to Grow Your Facility’s Revenue? The Most Cost-Effective Route Forward
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With the end of the year in sight, many facility owners are reviewing what has happened over the previous twelve months, and what they’d like to see happen in 2019. If you want to grow your facility’s revenue, it helps to know the most cost-effective way to increase diagnostic imaging capacity.
Why is Diagnostic Imaging Capacity Important?
Physicians and clinicians need high quality images to diagnose and treat patients. Having imaging capacity within the facility reduces the amount of time required to go from complaint to treatment. Shortening wait times has proven to be a consistently important factor in patient satisfaction scores, which of course have a direct impact on compensation.
Diagnostic imaging capacity can also impact the number of procedures that can be performed within your facility at any given time. For example, a c-arm is regularly used to perform pain management procedures. When you have one c-arm, your facility can provide one pain management procedure at a time; when you have two, your facility’s capacity doubles. The impact on facility revenue is obvious: the more patients you can serve, the more money your facility will make.
For a Cost-Effective Increase Diagnostic Imaging Capacity Choose Refurbished
If you’ve priced a c-arm, mini c-arm, x-ray machine or other piece of diagnostic imaging equipment recently, you may be suffering from a case of sticker shock. Luckily, there is an alternative to paying top dollar for new equipment. Refurbished diagnostic imaging equipment delivers the same high-quality images and reliable performance of brand-new models, for a fraction of the price and are supported by a reliable and responsive warranty. In many instances, the savings can be 40% or more. This is a significant savings that’s important when you’re trying to make the most of your budget.
Bluestone Diagnostics specializes in helping health care facilities maximize their purchasing power. Our flexible financing options include rental, lease and purchasing options. Get in touch to learn what we can do for you!