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Freaked Out By The Price of Outfitting Your Practice? The Cost Containment Strategy You Need To Know

Categories: Buying Tips, News

What’s the number one factor slowing down the growth of medical practices today? It’s no mystery: starting or expanding a medical practice can cost a ton of money. The amount of capital you need to outfit a practice properly can be tremendous – unless you know the cost containment strategies used by today’s budget conscious health care systems.

A fundamental principle of cost containment is examining every purchase to make sure you’re getting maximum value for the dollar. Acquiring medical equipment is one significant cost. Here’s one way you can bring those costs down: choose used diagnostic imaging equipment rather than new.

Used diagnostic imaging equipment is thoroughly checked over. Many types of diagnostic imaging equipment are available in refurbished or reconditioned versions: C-Arms, Mini C-Arms, Portable X-Rays, Ultrasound Equipment and more. You can expect years and years of dependable, reliable service from any diagnostic imaging equipment purchased from Bluestone Diagnostics.

When your patients have a diagnostic test done, they have no way to tell if you purchased the c-arm new or used – and they won’t care! What they do care about is the ease and convenience of having diagnostic tests done easily and conveniently. When we make life easier for our patients, patient satisfaction rates go right up – and you know the impact that has on reimbursement rates!

Consider what diagnostic imaging equipment you’ll need to grow your practice. The cost savings realized by choosing used, rather than new, can be as much as 40% per item. This can add up to thousands of dollars – money you can use to further develop your practice.

There’s a lot of uncertainty in our economy right now. However, we know that some things will remain constant. Among these things is the continual need our patients have for top-notch diagnostic information. That makes choosing used diagnostic imaging equipment a wise decision.

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