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Heavy Snows Lead to Waiting Rooms Full of Back and Hip Pain Patients

No matter where your practice is located, the chances are pretty high that you’ve seen more snow than usual this year. More snow means more shoveling, and more shoveling leads to increased complaints of lower back and hip pain – particularly among older patients and patients from geographic regions where shoveling snow is not a familiar activity.

C-Arms: Instant High Resolution Images for Diagnosis, Treatment, and Pain Management

C-Arms are the star of the show when it comes to diagnosing and treating back and hip pain complaints. The extremely detailed high resolution images give surgeons, physicians, and clinicians accurate, reliable information they can use to both determine the underlying cause of the patient’s complaint and facilitate treatment.

Pain management is a top concern when it comes to back and hip pain patients. Over 100 million people nationwide live with chronic pain. The C-Arm is a valuable therapeutic piece of diagnostic imaging equipment to meet the needs of this population.

TRY THIS: An eye-opening exercise for the practice manager is to consider the percentage of your current caseload that’s seeking pain management services, and extrapolate what that number will look like 12, 18, or 24 months from now. Does your practice have the diagnostic capacity it needs today – and in the near future?

Choosing A Refurbished C-Arm: A Smart Way To Save Money

Add the diagnostic capacity your practice needs while saving money by choosing a refurbished C-Arm. Fully refurbished, thoroughly tested, the refurbished C-Arms available from Bluestone Diagnostics offer years of reliable, dependable service for a fraction of the price of a new model. Enjoy superior service and support while saving.

Adding additional C-Arms to your practice gives you the capacity to see an increased number of patients. Reduce waiting room time and see patient satisfaction scores go up. Eliminate bottle-necks in the therapeutic process. Great for your patients, great for your clinicians, great for the practice!

Find out more about our diagnostic imaging equipment solutions by scheduling your free, no-obligation consultation today. Who knows? It might snow next winter too!

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