When Winter Fun Results in a Grade II Wrist Sprain
Categories: Pain Management, Products
Kids love playing in the snow. Kids especially love playing in the snow if it means they’re out of school for the day. This year, the kids across the nation have been especially happy, as there’s been plenty of snow – and snow days! – to go around.
There’s just one problem. Snow, as you may have heard, can be slippery. Ice definitely can be. Throw some snowmobiles, sleds, and skis into the mix with the typical 6 year old’s judgment, and what do you get?
A trip to the pediatric orthopedist, that’s what you get!
Increase In Winter Activity Leads To Increased Patient Loads
This is terrible news if you’re a parent. However, if you’re a pediatric orthopedist, there’s just one thing you want to know: does your practice have enough diagnostic capacity to see all of these injured little snowbunnies in an efficient manner?
Enter the mini C-arm. The medical diagnostic imaging equipment of choice for diagnosing and treating the causes of pain and discomfort in the extremities, mini C-arms provide your clinical staff with the superior high-resolution images they need instantly. Eliminating the need to wait for diagnostic testing streamlines your patient’s therapeutic process.
Faster results mean higher patient satisfaction scores! This is especially true of the pediatric patient population – the kids themselves might be willing to wait, but Mom or Dad is often quite impatient. Keep everyone happy by making sure your practice has the diagnostic capacity it needs.
Flexible Financing Makes The Mini C-Arm Amazingly Affordable
To make the most of your equipment budget, explore choosing a refurbished Mini C-Arm from Bluestone Diagnostics. Our flexible financing arrangements include purchase, rental, and long-term lease agreements, designed to help you get the diagnostic capacity your practice needs at a price you can afford.
Choosing a refurbished Mini C-Arm can result in significant cost savings – you’ll spend up to 40% less when you choose Bluestone Diagnostics. Call us to find out more. We’ll schedule your free, no-obligation consultation today!