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Monthly archives for July, 2019

Demand for Revascularization Procedures Continues to Grow; Here’s How to Gear Up Affordably

Demand for Revascularization Procedures Continues to Grow; Here’s How to Gear Up Affordably

Coronary heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in this country. Despite widespread public education campaigns about healthier lifestyle choices, a little more than 735,000 people had a heart attack last year. That number is expected to increase this year, which will increase demand for subsequent treatment procedures, including bypass surgery and… Continue Reading »

How to Save Money on Imaging Equipment for Joint Injections

How to Save Money on Imaging Equipment for Joint Injections

Increasingly, patients are seeking out image-guided interventional pain procedures to address chronic pain issues. Considered by many to be a preferable alternative to opioid-based treatments, interventional pain procedures represent a growing portion of many healthcare facilities’ revenues. To maximize the profitability of procedures like joint injections, nerve blocks and steroid injections, it’s essential to control… Continue Reading »

Thinking About Buying A Refurbished Portable Ultrasound? Read This First!

The portable ultrasound is an absolutely indispensable piece of equipment for many medical specialties. Used with cardiac, pain management, OB/GYN, and many other types of patients, the ultrasound is used to quickly and reliably reveal what’s causing patient concerns. Physicians and clinicians also use ultrasound imagery to guide some treatments. Whatever the case may be… Continue Reading »