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Category for "blog"

Many Dementia Patients Need Pain Management. Is Your Practice Prepared?

Bluestone Diagnostic Imaging and Pain Management

Nearly 6 million Americans have dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, or some other form of cognitive impairment that affects their memory. Many dementia patients experience pain, and among the medical community, awareness of the need for effective pain management is growing. The Role of Diagnostic Imaging in Pain Management The challenge of providing pain management to a… Continue Reading »

Money Matters: What You Need to Know About Refurbished Medical Equipment Pricing

Bluestone Diagnostics refurbished medical equipment pricing blog

When you’re choosing a refurbished medical diagnostic imaging vendor, there are three areas to consider. In the first part of this series, we talked about the importance of expertise. It’s important that your vendor can help you select the equipment that meets your practice’s needs. In the second part, we talked about service and repairs…. Continue Reading »

Save the Date: Bluestone Diagnostics will be at ASCA 2018 Boston 4/11-14

ASCA 2018 Bluestone Diagnostics Blog Photo

Every year, the Bluestone Diagnostics team attends a few industry events and conferences to spread the word about the tremendous savings that comes with choosing refurbished diagnostic imaging equipment. Next on the calendar is ASCA 2018 Boston.  Presented by the Ambulatory Surgery Center Association, this year’s gathering promises to be a very valuable event for… Continue Reading »

Where Will Healthcare Happen When Patients Prefer to Avoid the Hospital?

Healthcare Blog Bluestone Diagnostics

Hospitals have such a well-established presence in our society that we can overlook the fact that they haven’t always been there, and they might not always be there. A fascinating New York Times editorial, written by Ezekiel J. Emanuel, author of “Prescription for the Future”, tracks the changing role hospitals have played over the years and… Continue Reading »

Five Factors to Consider When Choosing a Refurbished Medical Equipment Vendor

C-Arms Bluestone Diagnostics Image

There are several reasons why choosing refurbished diagnostic imaging equipment makes sense. Ideal for healthcare systems and practices that wish to maximize their budget, refurbished medical equipment provides the same reliable functionality of new units, for a fraction of the price. Choosing refurbished diagnostic equipment is often the most cost-effective way to increase practice capacity,… Continue Reading »

Increasing Practice Capacity Through Strategic Imaging Equipment Sourcing Boosts Revenue

Increasing Practice Capacity Through Strategic Imaging Equipment Sourcing Boosts Revenue Blog Image

As the year draws to an end, healthcare systems administrators review budgets with two goals in mind: ensuring that all designated funding is spent appropriately, with an eye toward increasing practice profitability in the coming year. That means this is an ideal time to review existing diagnostic imaging capacity. In many instances, upgrading or adding… Continue Reading »

Continued Political Uncertainty Highlights Appeal of Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Rental

Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Rental Blog Image

As the year enters its final quarter, the uncertainty surrounding the Affordable Care Act continues. As a result, many health care systems are taking measures to maximize their financial stability. The desire to keep capital expenditures to a minimum must be balanced against the obligation to provide patient care in a timely, efficient manner.  To… Continue Reading »