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Term for "Portable X-Ray"

Reliable Service & Stellar Ethics Matter Most When Choosing Refurbished Imaging Equipment

Refurbished Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Image

Highlights from 24X7 Imaging Article Featuring Matthew Blaustein There are many factors for hospital and health care systems decision makers to consider when sourcing a C-arm for their facility. In addition to the unit’s specifications and compliance with extant radiation safety programs, budgetary considerations matter. In an article examining the merits of choosing new or… Continue Reading »

An Aging Population Falls More Often, Increasing Demand for Speedy X-Rays

The aging Baby Boomer population is starting to discover one of the most unpleasant aspects of getting older: when you fall down, you don’t bounce back the way you used to when you were younger. Hips crack, knees give out, wrists and ankles are sprained or worse – all from falls that would have gone… Continue Reading »

Digital X-Rays Eliminate Work Flow Bottlenecks, Cranky Clinicians and Patient Complaints

What’s the biggest problem many radiology directors have? Work flow challenges generally top the list. Anything that slows down the diagnosis and treatment of patients, including outdated diagnostic imaging equipment, is obviously an issue. Patients experience elevated levels of anxiety, fear, and stress while they’re waiting for test results; physicians and clinicians become impatient at… Continue Reading »

25% of OR Errors Attributable To Equipment Issues: What Can Be Done?

If there’s one thing you never want to hear as a practice administrator, it’s “We’ve had a problem in the OR.” Those words can be just the beginning of a nightmare, complete with negative patient outcomes, litigation, and horrible PR for your facility. The drive to identify and eliminate the causes of OR errors benefits… Continue Reading »